Patrick Wolf on the inspiration for Teignmouth, 17 years old, shooting through the night on the night train from the city to the south: "I took a train journey down to Dorset. That kind of...this love broken radio radio static, those shipping broadcasts and English voices, the BBC, these long English winters where everybody feel total despair. (…) You know when you listen to the shipping forecast at night but you haven't quite got the radio tuned in? I was trying to recreate that in a pop song. The idea of radio static, deep beats, piano, melancholy."
From my window
I saw two birds lost at sea
I caught our reflection
In that silent tragedy
But with hope prevailing
I draw galleons sailing
In full sail billowing free
So when the birds fly south
We'll reach up and hold their tails
Pull up and out of here
And bridle the autumn gales
I give you my hand
The fingers unfold
To have and forever hold
To marry the untold blisses
And anchor this lost soul
(Tillbringade gårdagskvällen på badrumsgolvet. Lade mig på rygg på den luddiga blå badrumsmattan, stack upp fötterna mot taket och lutade dem mot handfatet. Pluggade in hörlurarna och sedan låg jag kvar där i en timme och lyssnade igenom hela Magic Position för första gången och funderade på saker som hur det skulle vara ifall världen vändes upp och ner och gravitationen bytte riktning, och vi bodde i taken istället, under våra möbler.)